Marriage and Family Therapist 1406 Vermont St (281) 785-0660 Email Heart
Clinical Social Worker 3100 Richmond Ave (713) 623-0837 Email Heart
Clinical Social Worker 3100 Richmond Ave (713) 960-8450 Email Heart
Marriage and Family Therapist 8955 Katy Fwy (713) 973-8800 Email Heart
Issue Specialty
Treatment Approach
Therapist Type
Ethnicity Issues
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While psychology is a science, finding the right therapist is not. Good qualifications are important, but your feeling about a therapist and how well you might get along is key. Therapick provides you with candid interviews to help you get a sense of a therapist's personality and practice before making the call.
If you’ve ever had a panic attack in which things briefly look unreal or parts of you feel unreal, you have had a glimpse of what someone with DPD experiences all the time...
A year after the SMC shooting and frustrated by inadequate funds for the right PTSD therapy, a survivor writes a candid, sometimes angry, and ultimately forgiving letter to his former assailant...
One does feel the pressure to be a warrior of kinds as a single person, simply to survive...